Guidelines for the Summer 2025 Issue
Artist/Author Qualifications:
- Contributors must either live or work in Lexington; and be at least 60 years of age.
Submission Categories:
Written Work Categories Must be for an adult (not children’s) audience and submitted in WORD or text format.
- Prose: up to 1950 words; can be fiction, non-fiction, a short essay, commentary, an interview, a review or play excerpt. One submission per person.
- Poetry: up to 3 poems will be considered as one submission.
Artistic Work Categories Submit high-quality photographs in high-resolution jpeg format, with the long edge approximately 2400 pixels.
- Front cover art: vertical to fit on 8.5” x 11” page and accommodate logo in upper left corner. Open the cover art flyer.
- Back cover art: will be reduced to 3” wide with logo above and text below.
- Artistic Work: up to 4 pieces of visual art including illustrations, paintings, photographs, crafts, etc. Visual “essays” of up to 4 related pieces with optional text are especially encouraged.
- Black & White work: submit samples for use on prose pages.
To Apply for Consideration:
- Download the Application Form here
- Complete the form and send with all submission files to: LifeTimes@friendsofthecoa.org